Have you ever met those beautiful cats with white, black and red patches? Such colorful and special, almost impossible not to notice.
But, what are they called? And why does their fur have such particular color?
Today we reveal these and other interesting facts about him, the calico cat.
So let’s start with his name…
Well yes, “calico” is the term that defines a spotted fur feline, specifically referring to three colors: white, black and red. This coloring is the result of a rare genetic combination. It makes him one of the cats with the most beautiful, desired coat and perhaps also the main character of several ancient legends. The word “calico” comes from the textile world and indicates a raw fabric destined for dyeing.
It’s a matter of genetics
Before discovering the curious stories linked to the tricolor cat, let’s discover his main characteristics: from the reasons linked to the fur color to the character of this special cat.
The calico cat breed
The calico characteristic does not depend on the pet breed, nor on the type of the cat hair which can actually be long, semi-long or short. The term “calico“, in fact, refers to the color of the coat and not to other characteristics of the feline.
A calico cat, therefore, could be of any breed and can have any type of fur as well.
For example, he could be: short-haired in breeds such as the Manx, the Exotic Shorthair or the British Shorthair; or semi-long haired if he’s a Birman, a Ragdoll, a Siberian, a Turkish Angora or an American Curl; long-haired when the breed is Persian or Himalayan, Maine Coon or Norwegian Forest Cat.

The calico cat patches of color are always well-defined and never faded.
The color: characteristics of the calico cat
But then, why are some cats born with such a particular coat?
His typical white, black and red coat depends on a genetic mutation.
The color of felines coat depends on the X chromosome and it is necessary to clarify that, as in humans, the couple that defines the sex of the cat is XX for females and XY for males.
All information therefore – with the exception of the white shade – is contained in the X chromosome, and this explains why 99% of calico cats are females.
So why does this 1% of male calico felines exist?
Well, it is a phenomenon known as XXY trisomy or Klinefelter Syndrome, a genetic disease that leads the individual to have an extra X chromosome.
This genetic condition for males is extremely rare and very often causes sterility. Here are some data to better understand the uniqueness of the phenomenon:
- 1 in 3,000 tricolor cats is male;
- 1 in 10,000 calico cats is fertile.
So, if you have a male calico cat, there is a truly rare pet in your home!
The calico cat personality
Contrary to what people generally think, calico cats, even if they share the chromatic characteristics of their fur, their personality is not particularly similar.
Although some unfounded urban legends tend to define the calico cat as aggressive and nervous, don’t be fooled: his attitude in fact mainly depends on the features of his breed.
However, we are quite certain of one thing. The calico cat is aware of the privilege of having such a unique appearance, and for this reason sometimes he can be a little vain (yes, more than our feline friends generally are…).
Such a special and colorful coat therefore needs to be treated with products that can maintain the natural beauty of the coat, reviving its colors to make it brilliant and healthy.
There are many shampoos for washing the calico cat coat, but we suggest you to choose the products depending on the color prevalence of his hair. If the white prevails it would be more suitable, for example the Kit for White Coats by Yuup! to prevent and protect against the hair yellowing by enhancing the shine. On the contrary, if red or black prevails, the best product for your cat will certainly be the Yuup! Kit for Dark Coats, which will revitalize his highly distinctive colors.

Such a gorgeous coat deserves to be maintained healthy.
Curiosities about the tricolor cat
If you are thinking of getting a calico cat, but you’re still undecided about what to do, here are some additional curiosities that can help you in your choice.
How much does a calico cat cost?
As we have already seen, the calico cat is not a feline breed, but rather indicates a mutation that affects the color of the fur. Precisely for this reason, the price varies according to the breed of the cat.
However, if we consider that this characteristic cannot be directly controlled in breeding through ad hoc crossbreeding, these rare calico cats could have a higher price than the purebred kittens.
Legends about the calico cat
Are you looking for another good reason to choose this wonderful cat as your life partner?
Here are some weird legends linked to these special felines.
- The magic cat: In Egypt, this cat was very frequently depicted in hieroglyphics, venerated as a sacred animal by ancient civilization due to his rarity. In Ireland, however, it was believed that by rubbing his tail on a wart, it would magically fall.
- The lucky cat: In Japan, we find the same characteristics and colors in the Japanese Bobtail breed. In the past, sailors believed that his presence chased away ghosts and storms during sea crossings. Seafarers, therefore, often loaded some calico cats on board as real talismans to protect themselves during navigation. Today, however, we easily find them at the entrances of shops or in Japanese restaurants, as maneki-neko, the well-known lucky statuette with his paw raised.

Good luck dear Yuup! friends
- The cat and the monastery: a Tibetan legend dating back to the 10th century tells that the monks of a monastery were going through a period of general bad mood. One day, a female cat with three kittens showed up at the door. Can you guess the colors of the cat? That’s right, black and white (which in Hindu culture represent the Yin and the Yang) and orange (the color of the Earth). From that day the monastery became a place of peace and harmony.
There are then a thousand other legends that can be told, who knows which are true and which are the result of popular superstitions. One thing is certain, there will always be a beautiful and genuine story: the one between you and your awesome calico cat.
However, remember one thing: great coat means great responsibility!
And we at Yuup! are here to support you every day in the care of your pets with the best products, with natural ingredients, for the coat hygiene and cleanse.