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A Pride shampoo: universal love for LGBTQIA+ rights

A Pride shampoo: universal love for LGBTQIA+ rights
June 26, 2021 Yuup
Reading time: 5 minutes
Shampoo Pride

We have produced a universal pride shampoo, universal love: we explain why we have decided to take sides in favour of the fight for LGBTQIA+ rights, despite the fact that we would love for them to be taken for granted.

It’s not just about laws but mentality

Carosello Pride Limited Edition

According to Arcigay’s latest report, homotransphobic violence takes place in Italy every three days.

The discrimination suffered by the LGBTQIA+ community, like the rest of discriminations, adopts different forms, the attacks are not only physical! The so-called micro-aggressions, for example: they are very subtle and sometimes involuntary forms of discrimination, which are not immediately perceived as such by the victim, also causing a great sense of discomfort and awkwardness and undermining the person psychologically. They assume personal behaviours, tones of voice and general behaviours that appear innocuous, but that actually hide discriminatory and/or hostile behaviours towards those who suffer from them.

We explain what happens to the victim

Stop omotransfobia

Once the micro-aggression happens, or rather, they happen, the victim tends to perceive a feeling of anguish and anxiety, which in the long term can influence the quality of their life.

Language is the basis of our society, our thoughts and our actions are transmitted through what we communicate and how we do it. Therefore, your way of expressing yourself, especially towards another person, acquires great importance. Words carry great weight: think carefully about what you say and how you say it. A simple word can make a difference in someone’s life.

Why does Yuup! support LGBTQAI+ fight

We have always supported associations that are committed to causes that we think are very important: the environment, the health and welfare of animals, among many others. We do not say it because we are reserved but because on this occasion we are convinced that the real change comes from our humble contribution to the media. Remember how we told you that your words count? This principle is valid for everything: for better or for worse! We could quote you millions of essays and psychology and communication manuals that support our thesis, but we trust your empathy.

We also want to participate in the change that can and must occur. Yuup! always stands against any discrimination, and for pride month, we have decided to create a Pride Limited Edition of our universal shampoo, universal love. All raising will be donated to Arcigay to contribute to the fight for LGBTQIA+ rights and be part of a discrimination-free world.

Do you think that it is out of the blue? Why?

Shampoo per cani pride

Yuup! has always put the well-being of your 4-legged friends first, using the best raw materials and making specific products, because pets are all different but deserve the same attention. Black, white, long or short, your dog’s or cat’s coat is always our priority. Our mission begins, in fact, from the love for animals, of which we take care of their well-being since 2010.

The love we feel for them is a universal feeling. That is why our Pride Limited Edition Universal Shampoo is the best product to celebrate the universality of love that bond us exactly like any other family.

Why should you buy the Universal Shampoo

We have already told you that with the purchase of the Universal Shampoo-universal love, you will contribute to having a fairer world, but what you do not know is that in this edition we have produced a limited number of containers that could become part of a true thematic collection. But we don’t want to reveal too much, for now!

It would be wonderful if you also give us a hand

Post Instagram Pride

We are neither the first nor will we be the last company to take a stance in favour of the values ​​in which the company believes. As we have already told you, we would like to do our bit by continuing to promote love and beauty in the Yuup! way, but without your participation it would not be the same. So many people have ordered the shampoo and we are grateful for it. Now you can also contribute with us.

Respect is the foundation of any society and community.

We follow in the steps of our 4-legged friends, who love us unconditionally and universally. Let’s take an example from them and transform the world into a better and more inclusive place all together!

¡Don’t make a difference, make the difference!


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